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Av. 5 de Outubro 72, 9º A, 1050-059 Lisbon – Portugal | +351 218 689 540 | vn (at)
© 2009 | 2025 – Vera Navis Ship Design – All rights reserved
The SSI Conference 2019 it will be at the Lisbon Marriott Hotel, Avenida dos Combatentes, Lisbon, Portugal.
Event Room: Casablanca.
Guest Speakers from:
Free Attendees (includes Lunch and Coffee Breaks) | 2 | 4 | 6 |
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Social Event Sponsorship and Sponsor Pitch | |||
Presentation Slot | 1 x 30 min. | 2 x 30 min. | 3 x 30 min. |
Alexander Sushchikh
Director at AutoFEM Software LLP
BIO & Abstract
Alexander Sushchikh, is the Founder and Director of AutoFEM Software LLP. He is a Doctor of Philosophy in the field of calculation methods, and has more than twenty years’ experience in finite element simulation and corresponding software development. His company develops and markets a package of the finite element analysis software (AutoFEM Analysis) that is integrated with AutoCAD (Autodesk, Inc.) and ShipConstructor (SSI, Inc.).
Ship Buoyancy and Ship Hydrostatics Calculation with AutoFEM Analysis and ShipConstructor
New AutoFEM modules devoted to specific calculations being used in shipbuilding are presented at the first time. The module “Ship Buoyancy & Stability” provides the calculation of a vessel state in calm water and allows to find a corresponding hydrostatic pressure and obtain a ship stability diagram as well. These data can be then used as input for “Ship Hydrostatics” and therefore a strength analysis of a floating ship is available. All advantages of AutoFEM & ShipConstructor integration are remain and can be used by ShipConstructor’s users.
Day 1 – 17:00 – 17:20
Simulation of Lift and Transporting Operations of Ship Units with AutoFEM and ShipConstructor
The demonstration of joint work of AutoFEM Analysis and ShipConstructor software is considered in the presentation. Static and dynamic analysis are available and allow anyone to carry out as simple static strength analysis of a certain ship structure and as well more complicated cases if necessary.
3D model and other data (such as materials) are directly retrieved from the ShipConstructor database.
All calculations are carried out straightly inside the AutoCAD & ShipConstructor environment providing easy access to FEA simulation for all ShipConstructor users.
Day 2 – 11:20 – 11:40
Carlos Maio
Executive Manager of QSR
BIO & Abstract
Carlos Maio has a degree in Management and Finances from ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics & Management. With more than 17 years of experience in Human Resources Consulting, in practices such as human resources and business management, Carlos focused his skills in Aerospace and Defense since 2005 and, more recently, on Maritime and Energy industries. From 2014, Carlos is the Executive Manager and founder of QSR, a strategy consulting firm developing high-end solutions within human capital, specialized in industries with high technological intensity.
Carlos is regularly invited to deliver workshops and presentations at universities and other organizations on subjects related to leadership, entrepreneurship, and labour market integration. His professional experience includes the accountability as Marketing and Commercial Manager on a European certified aeronautic maintenance training organization. Also, he has been involved in various European R&D projects for Skills in Aerospace and Maritime.
QSR was granted with the leading role of the EACP (European Aerospace Cluster Partnership) Skills Working Group which the main objective is to bring and integrate the best practices of Human Capital sciences to the high technological intensity aerospace sector, enhancing the capacity of the sector to integrate disruptive and high productivity technologies, products and processes.
Also, had the privilege of being presented with a Certificate of Recognition for our performance within the Skills Working Group by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership.
This year, QSR had the opportunity to participate in the 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences to deliver a paper on how to attract young talent to the aeronautic sector.
Integrated Skills – Linking Academy with Industry
Introduction: “Entrepreneurs, You have to break into Schools and Universities” – Maria Fernanda Rollo, former Portugal Higher Education secretary of state, in Observador
The demographic crisis in Europe and the fourth industrial revolution pose a serious problem for companies and universities to meet the immediate and future needs of skilled profiles, particularly in technologically intensive industries such as the Naval sector.
The first ones to integrate them, the second ones to form them according to the quantitative and qualitative needs of the market.
Therefore, the linkage and joint work between them will need to be strengthened and involve an increasingly “out of the box” approach.
In addition, the excellence of technical training it’s scarce to respond to the market skills demand. Schools and Universities (together with companies) must contribute to the student’s personal development, preparing them for the social challenges that integration and professional development entails.
Day 2 – 12:40 – 13:00
Carlos Pérez Albà
Business Development at McNeel Europe
BIO & Abstract
Joined McNeel in 2000 and currently in charge of Business Development in EMEA, partnering with resellers, 3rd party developers, industry software and hardware manufacturers, users and trainers.
Studied Economics (Universitat de Barcelona and Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg), Illustration (Escola Massana) and Business Management (IESE School).
Rhino 6 Advanced & Grasshopper Present-emo
Combine advanced features of Rhino3D v6 with the power of the relational/parametric world of Grasshopper. Already used by
more than 450,000 professionals and in 10,000 schools Rhino3D supports the very fast development of designs and accurately
communicate them to everyone in the product research, development, marketing, and manufacturing or construction
process. Rhino3D is the recognized standard in the Marine industry, with seamless connections to several other naval
Architecture and shipyard favorite software.
Day 2 – 09.20 – 09.40
2 – Rhino 7 Sneak Preview
Rhino3D v7 moves modelling to the next technological level with Sub-D Modeling, QuadRemesher, Cycles – Realtime
Ray-trace Renderer, Mesh Intersection, Gradient Hatches, Single Stroke fonts, Text Field improvements…), as well as new
Development frameworks (Compute, Rhino Inside).
Rhino.Inside is an open-source Rhino WIP project which allows Rhino and Grasshopper to run inside other 64-bit Windows
applications such as Revit, AutoCAD, etc.
Day 3 – 11:40 – 12:00
Denis Morais
co-CEO at SSI
BIO & Abstract
Denis has been internationally recognized for his published blogs, articles and papers and continues to provide insights on innovative solutions for the marine industries. He has worked for hand in hand with industry partners and SSI’s clients around the world to solve their most difficult business and technology challenges.
This depth of understanding of both the current and future state of technology and the business of shipbuilding serve Denis well as he leads SSI towards the delivery of innovative products and services.
SSI: SSI Open Shipbuilding Platform
30 years on, SSI has come a very long way since the days of ShipCAM. SSI continues to look into the future of where the “Puck is going to be” and continues to evolve the SSI Open Shipbuilding Platform. Denis will explain how he sees the shipbuilding future and how SSI is continuing evolving to exist in this future. This will provide context to many of the partner presentations throughout the conference.
Day 2 – 14:00 – 14:20
Dinis Rodrigues
Team Leader of Técnico Solar Boat
BIO & Abstract
He is a student of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, his constant search for challenges and sciences of the future made him follow a MSc in Control and Automation.
His curiosity for innovative projects led him to discover Técnico Solar Boat back in 2016 where he spent two years in Electrical Systems before becoming a Team Leader in April of 2018.
His ambition is to promote and internationally represent Portuguese engineering at the highest level among its colleagues.
As a recent achievement, they recently became Vice-Champions of the world in the most recent competition of solar boat racing that was held in Monaco.
Técnico Solar Boat
Técnico Solar Boat is a university project, made up of a group of students from the most varied engineering courses of Instituto Superior Técnico. They work on the development of a manned competition vessel powered exclusively by solar energy.
Day 3 – 15:00 – 15:20
Filipa Sanches
Project Manager – Naval Architect at Vera Navis
BIO & Abstract
Has a BSc and a Master’s Degree in Naval Architecture and Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon). Her thesis was about Parametric Modelling of Hull Form for Ship Optimization, where she worked with the software Friendship-framework
In the summer of 2014, she did an internship with Trimarine Composites Lda, where she explorer the CAD software CATIA developing the 3D hull for a traditional Tejo vessel.
Since 2016, she is part of the Vera Navis team, working with the development of ship systems on ShipConstructor.
The Subscription Advantage Pack
This presentation will go over some of the most promising and interesting new features being offered in the Advantage Pack.
Day 1 – 15:20 – 15:40
Creative use of Marine Drafting
Right from the early days, with its modest debut as an Advantage Pack testing feature, it was clear that Marine Drafting was
due to become a major productivity booster. A few years later, and following a substantial upgrade in functionality in 2018,
there is even more room for the creative use of this versatile tool.
Day 3 – 11:20 – 11:40
Jagan Seshadri
Senior Product Owner at SSI
BIO & Abstract
Jagan Seshadri is a Product Owner at SSI, responsible for EnterprisePlatform and DigitalHub / Shipbuilding PLM. By understanding clients’ workflows, day-to-day challenges and future plans, Jagan works to guide the development of software to serve the needs of industry.
Jagan earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering, and has spent the past fifteen years in client-facing and leadership positions developing technical software for the telecommunications, petroleum, and marine industries.
1 – Hull Effectivity & Change Management
Identifying and managing design changes is valuable when working on a single ship, but becomes of paramount importance when working on a series of ships within a class. Jagan will explain SSI’s vision of how to handle changes among “sister ships”, and how new technologies from SSI can transfer design changes between hulls today.
Day 1 – 14:20 – 14:40
2 – EnterprisePlatform
A wealth of information is contained within a ShipConstructor project, but sharing this information efficiently and effectively can pose a challenge, especially when non-ShipConstructor users are part of your audience. Jagan will explain how EnterprisePlatform can be used to present information in a more consumable manner, resulting in better awareness and better decisions.
Day 1 – 17:20 – 17:40
3 – DigitalHub – The Shipbuilding Information Platform
The DigitalHub information platform provides teams with a web-browsable “360 Degree View” about ship designs, documents, and deliverables. From understanding the impact of a proposed design change, to quickly browsing tabular and graphical outputs, Jagan will explain the value of DigitalHub and its role in SSI’s ShipbuildingPLM strategy.
Day 3 – 09:20 – 09:40
4 – DigitalHub in Action
A follow-up to “DigitalHub – The Shipbuilding Information Platform”, Jagan will demonstrate how DigitalHub works both as an information browsing tool, and as a change management enabler.
Day 3 – 11:00 – 11:20
Jan O. Fischer
Co-founder and Manager at CostFact, Gmbh
BIO & Abstract
Jan O. Fischer is Director of COSTFACT GmbH. The same-named software system is specializing in the maritime sector and combines several advanced cost management methods. Besides his engagement in the deployment of CostFact, Jan is strongly involved in software implementation. That means that he is in permanent and close contact with clients and users. Before founding COSTFACT in 2008, Jan worked for seven years as consultant in the area of cost efficient design and carried out various projects that focused on the interfaces between technical and economic issues.
Cost Management in Shipbuilding: Utilization of Technical Data for Cost Estimation
Cost Management starts with the proposal and bidding process. The “CostFact” software system supports cost management throughout all shipbuilding stages including the early phases of design, engineering, calculations that accompany production, and finally to the analysis of a completed project. The benefits of CostFact include improved efficiency, speed and error avoidance in cost planning, analysis and optimization through the project lifecycle, generating reliable quotes, and consistency throughout the proposal and calculation process to ensure transparency and comprehension. By linking the CAD-system “ShipConstructor” and CostFact, initial project cost estimations are based on existing as-is ShipConstructor design models. This is used as a basis for adapting to changes and modifications in the project to capture cost deviations early. Further, the change processes in shipbuilding are streamlined significantly, providing consistent information flow between technical and financial departments.
Day 2 – 17:10 – 17:25
Jean-Marc Le Roux
CEO and founder of Aerys
BIO & Abstract
Jean-Marc Le Roux is a software engineer, CEO and founder of Aerys, the company that developed SmartShape. As acting project manager, he also supervised the implementation of SmartShape at Chantiers de l’Atlantique (on multiple use cases such as piping, hull, electrical engineering…) and Bureau Veritas.
Shipbuilding is getting more and more complex. And collaboration between the increasing number of stakeholders is challenged. That’s where SmartShape – a platform to build connected, collaborative and programmable digital twins – thrives. Discover how SmartShape is used by shipyards – but not only – to increase quality and cost efficiency.
Day 3 – 14:00 – 14:20
João M.A.C. Estevens Silva
Engineer at Royal Huisman
BIO & Abstract
Following his MSc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from IST (Technical University of Lisbon) João started working with Vera Navis (2011-2015) where he gained experience in many areas of ship design and has performed as Owner’s Technical representative in shipyards in Serbia and Turkey.
Between 2015 and 2017 João worked as a Senior structural engineer at a Croatian engineering design office where he assumed leadership and coordination roles.
With accumulated in-depth expertise in a variety of shipbuilding software’s, João currently works at Royal Huisman’s engineering department.
MarineDrafting at Royal Huisman: distributing up to date 2D information across the Shipyard through PublisherLT.
Generating synchronized 2D information, from the same models that feed the SSoT (Single Source of Truth) model, for an entire shipyard. With MarineDrafting 2D cross-sections are extracted from ShipConstrutor models, exported via PublisherLT, combined with other sources of information and distributed to the whole organization on a regular/scheduled basis. All software’s used to generate 3D information operate autonomously and in synchronism so that non-ShipConstructor engineers can benefit from highly accurate and up to date 2D sections for their documentation.
Day 2 – 12:00 – 10:20
Jonathan Evans
Composite Design Engineer at STRUCTeam Ltd
BIO & Abstract
Jonathan has a BSc in Marine Sports Technology from University of Plymouth (UK) and has been a design engineer working for STRUCTeam and an application engineer for CompoSIDE since 2013. He has been involved in the design of a varied assortment of vessels, from lightweight carbon fibre tenders, racing yachts, workboats and ferries.
Jonathan is also involved in the support and development of CompoSIDE, alongside training and support for users across the world for those who are developing their knowledge in design of composite materials.
CompoSIDE – Game Changing Software for Composite Marine Engineers
STRUCTeam, a group of structural engineers and material scientists who specialise in composite materials and regularly use FE software to run models and perform load analysis recognised that there wasn’t a software on the market designed specifically for composite materials. Working with software engineers, STRUCTeam’s composite experts imparted their knowledge and created CompoSIDE.
CompoSIDE is an integrated suite of web-based design engineering modules and data management tools. It possesses a dedicated modern scantling software module called YACHTScant, specifically for Yacht Designers and Naval Architects working with composite materials. YACHTScant provides a centralised environment for scantling of sailing yachts and motor boats according to ISO and DNV-GL classification standards as well as workflows to cover Lloyd’s and Bureau Veritas guidelines.
CompoSIDE possesses a database of over 1,200 materials and their associated properties, including glass and carbon fibre plies, resins, cores, metals and more.
This presentation will show case studies of CompoSIDE being used effectively in various marine projects and demonstrate its innovative features and its benefits to the user.
Day 3 – 09:00 – 09:20
Jose Ariza
Technical Sales Specialist AEC at Autodesk
BIO & Abstract
Jose Ariza joined Autodesk in 2017. He works as a Technical Sales Specialist for EMEA focusing on Autodesk’s building and construction portfolio. Before joining Autodesk, Jose had worked as a BIM consultant freelancer and also as a BIM Manager for a Spanish Autodesk Partner. As a result, for more than 8 years so far Jose has helped the main companies in the AEC sector during the BIM implementation process and in the development of both national and international interdisciplinary projects using Autodesk technology. Moreover, he has collaborated with the University of Córdoba Spain as Associate Professor. Born in Córdoba, Jose holds a BSc in Technical Industrial Engineering and a MD in Architectural and Engineering Layout Techniques and Design Methods from the University of Córdoba.
Autodesk solutions for radical collaboration with ShipConstructor and beyond.
The AEC Collection and BIM 360 bring integrated BIM and CAD workflows for design, engineering and construction which extend workflows with ShipConstructor. We will review the top tools to improve productivity and collaboration, so you can deliver more with less.
BIM 360 bring the project information from the office to the field and provides transparency to project stakeholders making everyone more accountable, including Document management, model coordination and field management. BIM 360 is a cloud-based solution which allows project stakeholders to access to the right information at the right moment everywhere.
Day 2 – 16:40 – 17:10
Lambertus Oosterveen
CAD manager at Royal Huisman
BIO & Abstract
Self-taught CAD enthusiast Lambertus is CAD Manager at Royal Huisman. From window cleaner to AutoCAD master, in 1985 Lambertus joined permanently Royal Huisman as the 76th employee in the early beginnings of computed aided design with AutoCAD 2.0.
Lambertus has ever since been one of the main driving forces of efficiency and automation within Royal Huisman Shipyard by introducing the most modern software tools. In parallel, he has closely collaborated with Autodesk, SSI, and NDAR in the development of ShipConstructor or other tools.
Project Insights, Power BI & the usage of PartData
A case study of PartData usage together with ProjectInsights and Power BI.
Day 1 – 15:40 – 16:00
Project Insights Overview
An Overview of Project Insights, how to combine and scale up the capabilities of Project Insights with Microsoft Power BI technology. A case study using SSI_Training_Project.
Day 2 – 09:40 – 10:00
Lars Albinsson
CEO & Ph D Candidate Maestro Design & Management AB
Luís Batista
co-CEO at Vera Navis
BIO & Abstract
Co-founder and managing partner of Vera Navis, since 2009.
Holds a degree in Engineering and Naval Architecture from the University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico. After completing his degree, he worked at the German Shipyard BLOHM + VOSS in Hamburg as assistant manager of construction projects.
Served as Superior Naval Technician in the Navy between 2005 and 2007 in Directorate of Ships – Lisbon Naval Base in the Department of Maintenance – Division of Technical Sectors Structures and Platform.
Between 2007 and 2009 he has developed construction supervision team leadership roles for several Norwegian Clients building in Portugal, Turkey, Romania, Latvia, Serbia.
Zero Emission Double Ended design
The increasing requirements for low emission ship designs are changing the shipbuilding industry irreversibly. The propulsion
systems and their classical energy sources are changing rapidly and soon the ships that we are used to know will no longer
exist. Following this direction and trend, Vera Navis Ship Design is going to present a concept design that is being developed
for a national municipality to substitute an existent double ended Ferry. The presentation will focus on the resistance and
powering calculations and selection of propulsors. It will be explained the process of dimensioning and selection of battery
banks and the principal one-line diagram that entails the main operational requirements.
Day 3 – 12:40 – 13:00
Marcel Veldhuizen
Vice President Fabrication Solution at Hexagon PPM
BIO & Abstract
Marcel Veldhuizen graduated in 1990 as an engineer in business and computer science from the polytechnic university of Heerlen. He also holds a degree in Naval Architecture which he earned during his work at a renowned Dutch shipyard: Damen (formerly known as Royal Schelde) Since 1997 he works for Hexagon PPM (formerly known as Intergraph) were he has worked throughout the company in several Marine related positions. He was responsible as Global Business Development Manager for the Marine Industry, The Netherlands, where he has grown the marine business within Intergraph PPM from almost none existing into a multi-million revenue stream. During that time (and still) He has extensively worked and travelled across the globe allowing him to gather a unique perspective of alignment between different departments.
With the acquisition of Nestix Oy, which provides Industry 4.0 – Manufacturing Execution Solutions, to Steel Service Centers, Construction business as well as Shipyards for steel and piping around the globe, by Hexagon in midst of 2016 He is responsible as managing director for NESTIX Oy in Finland for the daily operations.
He is currently working as Vice President Fabrication Solution within Hexagon PPM, and in this position responsible for the development and execution of the overall Fabrication Solution strategy, which includes:
• Setup of worldwide sales channels (internally as well as externally)
• Developed a product solution instead of services implementations
• Implemented Agile Development with a Single Platform for: Spoolgen, Smart Isometrics, Smart Production powered by NESTIX, INCOP, Smart Weld Quality Management Solution) globally.
• Implementing a CRM solution as well as worldwide support capabilities
Smart Production – Data Centric Fabrication for Shipyards
During this presentation Marcel Veldhuizen, Managing Director of NESTIX Oy, will provide an overview of the business benefits
that a Data Centric Manufacturing Execution Solution can be achieved within a the shipyards. Utilizing engineering data from
a production perspective will allow departmental as well as project optimization strategies that were not possible earlier,
through the access of real time shop floor information.
Day 2 – 14:40 – 15:00
Integration Roadmap and Status between SSI and Smart Production
During this presentation the current status as well as the future roadmap between SSI and NESTIX Oy’s Smart Production will
be explained by Marcel Veldhuizen, Managing Director NESTIX Oy. The Integration of two data centric solutions, leveraging
engineering data in combination with shop floor data will enable new work processes as well as new insights within the
project status. Also leveraging feedback loops between both solutions will support the impact analysis capabilities of
engineering changes into the production process and therefore project results.
Day 3 – 10:00 – 10:20
Matthias Grau
Account manager for the shipbuilding industry at PROSTEP
BIO & Abstract
Dr. Matthias Grau (born 1965) has been with PROSTEP since 2003 and is currently account manager for the shipbuilding industry and head of the Hamburg branch office.
As Consultant for PLM Processes & Methods and Enterprise Architecture Management he also gained experience in other industries such as aerospace and automotive.
Grau sees himself as an intermediary between subject matter and IT experts, who can explain complex matters to non-experts.
His educational background is skilled worker for machining technology and academical grade of Dipl.-Ing. as a Naval Architect from University of Rostock before earning his doctorate in the field of offshore structural engineering at Aachen University (RWTH).
OpenPDM SHIP – Integration Platform to connect ShipConstructor and Standard PDM Systems
For more than 10 years OpenPDM is the vendor-neutral integration platform to connect PLM environments including CAx,
PDM, ERP, and legacy systems.
Used by numerous discrete manufacturing companies in automotive, aerospace, transportation industries to migrate data
and realize internal as well as external collaboration processes the platform has recently received a new feature: connectivity
support for shipbuilding specific development tool sets such as SSI’s ShipConstructor and Enterprise Hub.
The presentation will introduce OpenPDM and how it connects PLM environments and show how this would look like for the
integration of ShipConstructor and Siemens’ Teamcenter.
Day 2 – 15:00 – 15:20
OpenPDM SHIP – CAD Conversion and Integration for the Marine Industry
For more than 10 years OpenPDM is the vendor-neutral integration platform to connect PLM environments including CAx,
PDM, ERP, and legacy systems.
Used by numerous discrete manufacturing companies in automotive, aerospace, transportation industries to migrate data
and realize internal as well as external collaboration processes the platform has recently received a new feature: connectivity
support for shipbuilding specific development tool sets such as SSI’s ShipConstructor and Enterprise Hub.
The presentation will introduce OpenPDM Ship and its shipbuilding specific CAD conversion and integration capabilities and
show how this would look like for the integration of NAPA Steel and ShipConstructor to promote early design steel model data
natively into the basic and detailed design process.
Day 2 – 16:20 – 16:40
Nick Danese
Founder and CEO at NDAR
BIO & Abstract
Is the founder and CEO of NDAR, an applied research business established in 1987. Following a BS Mechanical Engineering (1981, University of Arizona) and a MS Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (1983, University of Michigan), a challenge-rich carrier continues to span research in riser failure due to buckling, America’s Cup and WRTW racers, gas turbine & jet propulsion for yachts, structural analysis innovative techniques, production engineering, etc. evolving to the current work in integrated process analysis, industrial ecosystem ROI strategies and IIIoT&S integration to support the overall ship design and production realm. Nick worked with SSI since 1991, and is the SSI Senior Partner EMEA since 2010.
Latest & Greatest
SSI have released a significant amount of enhancements, new developments and even new products in the recent past.
Increased and/or better use of everything the ShipConstructor software and environment offers is an easy and immediately
available way to more productivity and greater ROI. A summary review will (re)discover these often-overlooked gems.
Day 1 – 14:00 – 14:20
ShipConstructor Resources & Help
Help is everywhere! There are many sources of help available to the ShipConstructor user: contextual, referential, manual,
videos, discussions, ClienCare, Knowledge Base, etc. In fact, so much help is available that not everyone is aware of it all, a
topics very well worth revisiting.
Day 1 – 15:00 – 15:20
Robotics: Car-W, from ShipConstructor model to 9-axis welding
From model to 9-axis robot, directly: the quintessence of the unique collaborative power provided by the EnterprisePlatform
Day 1 – 16:20 – 16:40
EnterprisePlatform Operations Overview: What is There
The thousand helping hands who know what to do and do it while you are sleeping. To date, SSI have released some 150+
Operations for EnterprisePlatform. PublisherLT and Pubblisher use the same Operations. While Operations are readily available
to all, there are so many that it is worth reviewing the list to help making sure that everyone is aware of this treasure.
Day 2 – 11:40 – 12:00
Shared & Collaborative Environment (1)
The Synchronized Shipyard paradigm: the successful enterprise optimizes the collaborative performance of the best in class
resources available: people, machines, processes, software, supply chain, partners, etc. The ability to combine the distributed
workflow into a coordinated, collaborative process is key to success. How does ShipConstructor support the distributed/collaborative
environment: the symbiosis between being Platform of Platforms and the collaborative EnterprisePlatform
Day 2 – 14:20 – 14:40
ShipConstructor Unlimited: Detail Design & Production Engineering in Building Buildings
The engineering, production, ERP and PLM processes in land building are strikingly identical to that of shipbuilding, especially
when it comes to pre-built Volume Elements. The Sizes Works case study is a textbook benchmark of using SSI’s Enterprise-
Platform and ShipConstructor in parallel and downstream of architectural design as the production engineering and manufacturing
management platform, in direct support of the overall, extended company process.
Day 2 – 15:40 – 16:00
Shared & Collaborative Environment (2)
Synergies and certain overlaps between platforms and process components constitute a significant advantage and especially
so in presence of shared, distributed, collaborative work. A closer look at the interaction and mutual support provided by the
Autodesk / McNeel platforms focuses on the ability this provides to several applications to contribute to a common “space”.
Crucially, alternative workflows can then be implemented that make optimum use of available resources by dynamically
adapting to change and unexpected situations.
Day 2 – 18:05 – 18:20
EnterprisePlatform: the Deliverables Machine
One fundamental mission of EnterprisePlatform is to keep documents up to date nd to deliver them to the designated consumer(s).
Documents are, in fact, files of any type, format and content as can be produced by any “scriptable” software. This unique tool makes
child’s play of the creation and maintenance of an archive of unprecedented extents. Far greater and more direct support of
stakeholders too often not kept in the loop becomes automated with immediate, measurable and extended benefits.
Day 3 – 09:40 – 10:00
Norman Eldridge
Senior Product Owner, Client Success at SSI
BIO & Abstract
Norman is a Product Owner at SSI and heads the Client Success team. Working with our clients on an everyday basis gives Norman a unique understanding of their pains and challenges. Client Success works to ensure that clients are able to get the most from our software to meet their specific needs.
Project Insights, CIP and other “Project Management” tools
Understand how you and your team are using ShipConstructor to improve efficiency. Project Insights provides you with simple
and easy access to project usage information, and presents the data in easy to use reports that can be leveraged by managers
to monitor the state and progress of their project. Project Insights will help you understand project revisions activity, drawing
activity, part data, and when the work is being completed.
Day 1 – 14:40 – 15:00
NEXUS & SSI Learning
SSI is committed to staying close to our user community so that our product development meets both your current and future
needs. SSI Nexus provides the focal point and top resource to engage and learn from the SSI community, to learn about and
get SSI products. Learn about what has been going on at SSI Nexus, how to get the most out of Nexus and SSI Learning, and
how to influence SSI’s development roadmap using the Nexus Wishlist.
Day 1 – 16:40 – 17:00
Ship Explorer
Everyone uses Navisworks and ShipExplorer is designed for you. ShipExplorer provides a greatly streamlined workflow to
directly access, view and manage ShipConstructor projects. Learn how to install ShipExplorer, load and switchback ShipConstructor
projects, as well as view revisions, find parts in drawings, load, view, and save ProductHierarchies and Tasks as sets.
Day 2 – 10:00 – 10:20
SSI Innovation and R&D
Learn about recent SSI innovations and development projects; SSI’s work towards automating the process of robot programming
for welding; Provide a means to generate “Lift Package” output drawings from ShipConstructor to describe the lifting
configuration and required components for Lifting and Turning; SSI’s Genesis development API (for software development
partners) to facilitate the ability to consume information from various other sources for use within SSI products; and ShipConstructor
Clashes to identify, manage, and resolve when modeled parts interfere with one another as early as possible to avoid
downstream discovery and costs.
Day 2 – 12:20 – 12:40
Road Map – Future and Wishlist
Get an overview of SSI’s product development roadmap priorities for the next few years, and learn how you can engage and
influence these developments. Strengthening the fundamentals to support a more powerful future.
Day 2 – 17:45 – 18:05
Nuno Silva
CAE Application Specialist at ESSS
BIO & Abstract
Nuno Silva – “Mechanical Engineering Degree in IPL – ESTG in the field of molds and Masters at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in the field of manufacturing processes. Currently working at ESSS as CAE Application Specialist in structural simulation, providing training and technical support for ANSYS Products”.
Naval projects with computational simulation: Applications with ANSYS
ESSS is an ANSYS Elite Channel Partner, meaning we provide top Quality Services and Support to our Clients.
ANSYS software enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions.
Designing ships is a demanding process, as vessels are among the most massive and mechanically complex moving structures in the world. Ships must operate reliably in harsh environments and meet stringent standards. Engineering demands are particularly challenging in designing work vessels for harbor and open-water applications, such as hoisting, dredging, construction, pipelaying and other marine operations. The hull and internal structural members must be seaworthy and stable. In addition, topside mechanical assemblies, such as cranes, must provide sufficient strength and reliability to work efficiently even while waves excite the ship.
In this presentation, Naval simulation applications using ANSYS will be shown, comprising Fluid-dynamics, Structural Analysis, and Electromagnetism.
Naval projects with computational simulation: Applications with ANSYS
ESSS is an ANSYS Elite Channel Partner, meaning we provide top Quality Services and Support to our Clients.
ANSYS software enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions.
Designing ships is a demanding process, as vessels are among the most massive and mechanically complex moving
structures in the world. Ships must operate reliably in harsh environments and meet stringent standards. Engineering
demands are particularly challenging in designing work vessels for harbor and open-water applications, such as hoisting,
dredging, construction, pipelaying and other marine operations. The hull and internal structural members must be seaworthy
and stable. In addition, topside mechanical assemblies, such as cranes, must provide sufficient strength and reliability to work
efficiently even while waves excite the ship.
In this presentation, Naval simulation aplications using ANSYS will be shown, comprising Fluid-dynamics, Structural Analysis
and Electromagnetism.
Day 3 – 14:40 – 15:00
Pedro Antunes
co-CEO at Vera Navis
BIO & Abstract
Co-founder and managing partner of Vera Navis, since 2009.
Has a degree in Engineering and Naval Architecture from IST – Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon.
Frequency of Master’s Degree in Building Thermal Engineering from FEUP – Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and Frequency of Master’s Degree in Aquaculture from IPL – Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.
Between 2000 and 2005 he was a designer at the APEN gas network company. Subsequently, between 2005 and 2007 he served in the ENVC – Naval Shipyards of Viana do Castelo in the AVAC discipline project between 2007 and 2009 he was Supervisor of new constructions for several Norwegian Customers building in Portugal, Turkey, Romania, Latvia, Serbia.
The Weld Module
Welds encapsulate a substantial share of the building process and having those properly defined as logical entities in an integrated environment can be a quick win for certain workflows. In this presentation, we will see that, when extending the application to its full potential, we will not be falling short from revolutionizing the way we perceive output information and structural production packages.
Day 1 – 17:40 – 18:00
Distributive work management strategies
The continuous development on faster network connections and affordable cloud services has opened new possibilities for multi-site project management. This presentation will cover some of the new exciting options.
Day 2 – 11:00 – 11:20
ShipConstructor, a game changer
Following 10 years of continually engaging in process implementation using ShipConstructor, one comes to conclude that flexibility is paramount. This presentation will go through a few case studies where we, probably, couldn’t have done it without it.
Day 3 – 12:00 – 12:20
Peter Schlipf
Developer Partner Manager at Autodesk
BIO & Abstract
Peter Schlipf joined Autodesk in 2001. Having worked in different sales roles he dedicated his time and efforts since 2012 to developer the Forge Partner and Customer relationships.
In his role as the EMEA Forge Partner Development manager Peter focus an the business and strategic discussions.
Before joining Autodesk Peter had worked in different industries like Industrial Design, measurement equipment, and e-commerce business.
Peter studied Economy at LMU München ( Dipl.Kfm BWL).
In his spare time, he will be sailing and traveling.
Title: Autodesk Forge – Insights – Automation – Data
Supporting digital business transformation
The Forge Platform makes Design and Engineering data accessible to almost anyone, anytime, anywhere. With simple, standards-based web development, Forge helps developers and companies address tough challenges with cloud solutions. And Forge is more than just cloud-based tools – it’s an innovation community.
Automating workflows and processes Autodesk Forge increases productivity, reduces errors, and saves costs. In this class Peter will present some examples of what can be done with Forge and the web-services API´s to increase productivity on your path to digital transformation of your business.
Day 3 – 10:20 – 10:40
Runar Aasen
Co-founder and Manager at BAS Engineering AS
BIO & Abstract
Runar Aasen is the co-founder and manager of BAS Engineering, the company behind ShipWeight and ExpressMarine software. Since his master’s degree in Naval Architecture, Runar has worked for more than 20 years in the mass properties engineering and software business. He is a Fellow of the Society of Allied Weight Engineers (SAWE), and has authored and co-authored several technical papers on the subject of weight engineering for the ship and offshore industry.
In his spare time, he will be sailing and traveling.
ShipConstructor to ShipWeight
ShipConstructor provides a source of weight, CG and other data t the weight throughout the model’s lifetime, complementing
other data from the various sources that feed ShipWeight’s weight model. This presentation will show how to import weight
data exported from ShipConstructor into ShipWeight in a quick and “intelligent” way. The import will automatically perform
updates of existing data, including update of deleted parts. Assembly and “like” items information is used to get a more
readable report after import.
Day 2 – 10:20 – 10:40
ExpressMarine to ShipConstructor
ShipConstructor provides a source of weight, CG and other data t the weight throughout the model’s lifetime, complementing
other data from the various sources that feed ShipWeight’s weight model. This presentation will show how to import weight
data exported from ShipConstructor into ShipWeight in a quick and “intelligent” way. The import will automatically perform
updates of existing data, including update of deleted parts. Assembly and “like” items information is used to get a more
readable report after import.
Day 2 – 15:20 – 15:40
The presentation will an overview of the state-of-the-art weight engineering tool ShipWeight, showing its capabilities and
features and lay out a use case of the tool from a project’s early stage to delivery and beyond.
Day 3 – 12:20 – 12:40
Stefan Wertheimer
Teknikchef at Sizes
Stéphane Dardel
Naval Architect at NDAR
BIO & Abstract
MSc Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Science from the University of Southampton (UK), has considerable experience in all fields of the Marine and Yacht industries. In addition, during his several years at Design Systems & Technologies, Stéphane was an early user and key in the development of several specialized software programs, which NDAR continues to offer. Stéphane’s diversified experience includes project management at world-famous Espen Oeino Naval Architects and a key role in the genesis of several acclaimed motor yachts while working with Philippe Briand Naval Architects.
ExpressMarine: a ShipConstructor Pre-Processor
ExpressMarine, Rhino3D’s parametric structural modelling plug-in, is presented as an out-of-the-box solution used as a
modeling pre-processor for ShipConstructor. The native ExpressMarine/ Rhino3D geometrical model is read directly into
AutoCAD/ ShipConstructor, and serves the purpose of laying, starting day 1, a 3D groundwork in ShipConstructor, usable for
GA plans, on-board system layouts, functional placement of equipment, etc. The ExpressMarine model is evolutive and can be
conveniently re-imported into ShipConstructor at any moment along the design process, for example to follow the evolutions
of the naval architecture model (hull form updates, or else). The use-case of a 115m Fast Ferry demonstrates one of several
possible workflows.
Day 2 – 09:00 – 09:20
Tiago Fernandes
Aerospace Engineer at Vera Navis
BIO & Abstract
Tiago Fernandes studied Aerospace Engineer and guided his professional experience to computational tools and expertise within multidisciplinary engineer projects. With participation in projects for individual or complex assembly structural assessment, computational fluid dynamics to evaluate pressure, temperature and other relevant variables and projects in data analysis and machine learning techniques, the accumulated expertise allows a broad point of view in each day-to-day engineering problem.
After four years working as a consultant for multiple industries like automotive, aerospace, naval and heavy industries, arose the opportunity to embrace a naval engineering career making use of all previous expertise and complement it by learning the necessary set of skills and knowledge to address both project and construction of a vessel. He is currently working as a Project Manager at Vera Navis, ensuring that all production information comply with client tight schedule and ongoing improvements/decisions as well as the constant technological challenges.
Ship Structural Assessment for Increasing Operation Conditions in Harsh Environments.
Over the past years, we witnessed a demand for increasing internal pressure on the cargo tank of specialized vessels. Despite all the experience in designing different vessel types, we found the need to use computational tools (FEM) to evaluate and re-design the main structure according to all new operational conditions.
At the beginning of the project we defined which were the more demanding operational load cases for the structure. Despite many advances and setback throughout the entire project, the team reached a solution to satisfy the client needs and, bearing in mind all the construction process, to avoid complex challenges at future phases.
The global overview of the project, using a cross-disciplinary and collective constructivism, contributed to a better end-product with lower risks and bottlenecks throughout the certification and construction phases of the vessel.
Day 3 – 14:20 – 14:40
Tom Matthews
Key Account Manager at STRUCTeam Ltd
BIO & Abstract
Tom has worked for STRUCTeam as a Key Account Manager for almost 1 year.
Tom has over eight years’ experience in Sales and in managing multi-national clients from all over the globe, in addition to this he also has strong foundations in Business Development and Operations.
CompoSIDE – Game Changing Software for Composite Marine Engineers
STRUCTeam, a group of structural engineers and material scientists who specialise in composite materials and regularly use FE software to run models and perform load analysis recognised that there wasn’t a software on the market designed specifically for composite materials. Working with software engineers, STRUCTeam’s composite experts imparted their knowledge and created CompoSIDE.
CompoSIDE is an integrated suite of web-based design engineering modules and data management tools. It possesses a dedicated modern scantling software module called YACHTScant, specifically for Yacht Designers and Naval Architects working with composite materials. YACHTScant provides a centralised environment for scantling of sailing yachts and motor boats according to ISO and DNV-GL classification standards as well as workflows to cover Lloyd’s and Bureau Veritas guidelines.
CompoSIDE possesses a database of over 1,200 materials and their associated properties, including glass and carbon fibre plies, resins, cores, metals and more.
This presentation will show case studies of CompoSIDE being used effectively in various marine projects and demonstrate its innovative features and its benefits to the user.
Day 3 – 09:00 – 09:20
TIME | Day 1 Monday, September 30th |
11:30 – 13:45 | REGISTRATION |
13:45 – 14:00 | Welcome Denis Morais, SSI – Pedro Antunes, Vera Navis – Nick Danese, NDAR |
14:00 – 14:20 | Latest & Greatest Nick Danese, NDAR |
14:20 – 14:40 | Hull Effectivity & Change Management Jagan Seshadri, SSI |
14:40 – 15:00 | Project Insights, CIP and other “Project Management” tools Norman Eldridge, SSI |
15:00 – 15:20 | ShipConstructor Resources & Help Nick Danese, NDAR |
15:20 – 15:40 | The Subscription Advantage Pack Filipa Sanches, Vera Navis |
15:40 – 16:00 | Project Insights, Power BI & the usage of PartData Guest Speaker Lambertus Oosterveen, Royal Huisman |
16:00 – 16:20 | Sponsored Coffee Break AutoFEM Software |
16:20 – 16:40 | Robotics: Car-W, from ShipConstructor model to 9-axis welding Nick Danese, NDAR |
16:40 – 17:00 | NEXUS & SSI Learning Norman Eldridge, SSI |
17:00 – 17:20 | Ship Buoyancy and Ship Hydrostatics Calculation with AutoFEM Analysis and ShipConstructor Sponsor Presentation Alexander Sushchikh , AutoFEM Software |
17:20 – 17:40 | EnterprisePlatform Jagan Seshadri, SSI |
17:40 – 18:00 | The Weld Module Pedro Antunes, Vera Navis |
18:00 – 18:20 | Questions & Answers |
18:20 – 18:40 | Round Table |
18:40 – 19:00 | Closing Remarks Nick Danese, NDAR |
TIME | Day 2 Tuesday, October 1st |
08:55 – 09:00 | Welcome – Today’s Program |
09:00 – 09:20 | ExpressMarine: a ShipConstructor Pre-Processor Stéphane Dardel, NDAR |
09:20 – 09:40 | Rhino 6 Advanced & Grasshopper Present-emo Sponsor Presentation Carlos Pérez, McNeel Europe |
09:40 – 10:00 | Project Insights Overview Guest Speaker Lambertus Oosterveen, Royal Huisman |
10:00 – 10:20 | Ship Explorer Norman Eldridge, SSI |
10:20 – 10:40 | ShipConstructor to ShipWeight Sponsor Presentation Runar Aasen, BAS Engineering |
10:40 – 11:00 | Sponsored Coffee Break PROSTEP |
11:00 – 11:20 | Distributive work management strategies Pedro Antunes, Vera Navis |
11:20 – 11:40 | Simulation of Lift and Transporting Operations of Ship Units with AutoFEM and ShipConstructor Alexander Sushchikh, AutoFEM Software |
11:40 – 12:00 | EnterprisePlatform Operations Overview: What is There Nick Danese, NDAR |
12:00 – 12:20 | MarineDrafting at Royal Huisman: distributing up to date 2D information across the Shipyard through PublisherLT Guest Speaker João M.A.C. Estevens Silva, Royal Huisman |
12:20 – 12:40 | SSI Innovation and R&D Norman Eldridge, SSI |
12:40 – 13:00 | Integrated Skills – Linking Academy with Industry Sponsor Presentation Carlos Maio, QSR |
13:00 – 14:00 | Sponsored Lunch AutoFEM Software |
14:00 – 14:20 | SSI: SSI Open Shipbuilding Platform Denis Morais, SSI |
14:20 – 14:40 | Shared & Collaborative Environment (1) Nick Danese, NDAR |
14:40 – 15:00 | Smart Production – Data Centric Fabrication for Shipyards Sponsor Presentation Marcel Veldhuizen, Nestix |
15:00 – 15:20 | OpenPDM SHIP – Integration Platform to connect ShipConstructor and Standard PDM Systems Sponsor Presentation Matthias Grau, PROSTEP |
15:20 – 15:40 | ExpressMarine to ShipConstructor Sponsor Presentation Runar Aasen, BAS Engineering |
15:40 – 16:00 | ShipConstructor Unlimited: Detail Design & Production Engineering in Building Buildings Lars Albinsson, Maestro / Stefan Wertheimer, Sizes / Nick Danese, NDAR |
16:00 – 16:20 | Sponsored Coffee Break QSR |
16:20 – 16:40 | OpenPDM SHIP – CAD Conversion and Integration for the Marine Industry Sponsor Presentation Matthias Grau, PROSTEP |
16:40 – 16:55 | Cost Management in Shipbuilding: Utilization of Technical Data for Cost Estimation Sponsor Presentation Jan Fischer, CostFact |
16:55 – 17:25 | Autodesk solutions for radical collaboration with ShipConstructor and beyond Sponsor Presentation Jose Ariza, Autodesk |
17:25 – 17:45 | iNotifika EP Sponsor Presentation Julian Smith, iYaldi |
17:45 – 18:05 | Road Map – Future and Wishlist Norman Eldridge, SSI |
18:05 – 18:20 | Shared & Collaborative Environment 2 Nick Danese, NDAR |
18:20 – 18:35 | Questions & Answers |
18:35 – 18:55 | Round Table |
18:55 – 19:00 | Closing Remarks Nick Danese, NDAR |
19:00 | Shuttle to Dinner |
20:00 | Surprise Social Event – AWARDS |
TIME | Day 3 Wednesday, October 2nd |
08:55 – 09:00 | Welcome – Today’s Program |
09:00 – 09:20 | CompoSIDE – Game Changing Software for Composite Marine Engineers Guest Speaker Tom Matthews and Jonathan Evans, STRUCTeam |
09:20 – 09:40 | DigitalHub – The Shipbuilding Information Platform Jagan Seshadri, SSI |
09:40 – 10:00 | ShipWeight Sponsor Presentation Runar Aasen, BAS Engineering |
10:00 – 10:20 | Integration Roadmap and Status between SSI and Smart Production Sponsor Presentation Marcel Veldhuizen, Nestix |
10:20 – 10:40 | Autodesk Forge – Insights – Automation – Data Supporting digital business transformation Sponsor Presentation Peter Schlipf, Autodesk |
10:40 – 11:00 | Sponsored Coffee Break BAS Engineering |
11:00 – 11:20 | DigitalHub in Action Jagan Seshadri, SSI |
11:20 – 11:40 | Creative use of Marine Drafting Filipa Sanches, Vera Navis |
11:40 – 12:00 | Rhino 7 Sneak Preview Sponsor Presentation Carlos Pérez, McNeel |
12:00 – 12:20 | ShipConstructor, a game changer Pedro Antunes, Vera Navis |
12:20 – 12:40 | EnterprisePlatform: the Deliverables Machine Nick Danese, NDAR |
12:40 – 13:00 | ExpressMarine: a ShipConstructor Pre-Processor Stéphane Dardel, NDAR |
13:00 – 14:00 | Sponsored Lunch Nestix, Oy, Hexagon |
14:00 – 14:20 | Smartshape Sponsor Presentation Jean-Marc Le Roux, Aerys |
14:20 – 14:40 | Ship Structural Assessment for Increasing Operation Conditions in Harsh Environments Tiago Fernandes, Vera Navis |
14:40 – 15:00 | Naval projects with computational simulation: Applications with ANSYS Guest Speaker Nuno Silva, ESSS |
15:00 – 15:20 | Técnico Solar Boat Guest Speaker Dinis Rodrigues, TSB |
15:20 – 15:30 | Closing Remarks Nick Danese, NDAR |
15:30 – 18:00 | Meet the Expert One to One by appointment |
18:00 | End of the event |