
VNSD Launches Innovative Collaborator Formation Scheme
We're thrilled to unveil an exciting new initiative designed to foster growth and development among our collaborators.
Introducing our latest venture: a cutting-edge formation scheme centered around attending specific UCI's (Unidades…

Aas Mek delivered newbuilding no. 213, “Ronja Evolution”
News, Projects, ShipConstructor
Aas Mek. Verksted AS delivered its newbuilding no. 213, "Ronja Evolution" a wellboat type AAS 3002 ST to the owner Sølvtrans AS.
The 77 meter long “Ronja Mistral” is a dedicated smolt boat which is equipped with an in-house developed…

International WorkBoat Show 2023
Events, News, ShipConstructor
Following the strategy to strengthen our position in the North American market, we were exhibiting at the International WorkBoat Show from Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2023.
Our presence was important, to understand the dynamics of the North American…

“Salicórnia”, the first Portuguese 100% Electric Ferryboat is delivered.
News, ShipConstructor
Built by Grupo ETE for the Câmara Municipal de Aveiro, the craft has the capacity to transport 260 passengers and 19 vehicles.
This new vessel has been engineered by Vera Navis Ship Design, responsible for the complete naval architecture,…

Prémio Excelência na Academia | Especialidade | Engenharia Naval
Recently we have established a protocol with the Ordem dos Engenheiros – Região Sul (OERS) for the Prémio Excelência na Academia | Especialidade | Engenharia Naval.
These Awards include the distinction of two students per specialty -…

Join us at Europort 2023
Exhibitions, News
From 7-10 November 2023, Vera Navis Ship Design, will be exhibiting at Europort 2023, in Rotterdam Ahoy.
We are looking forward to meeting you at booth number 8612.
Europort is the largest maritime trade fair in the world. All areas…

Exhibiting at the International WorkBoat Show – 2023
Exhibitions, News
From Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2023, VERA NAVIS SHIP DESIGN and ABANCE will be exhibiting at the International WorkBoat Show, in New Orleans, LA.
Find us at Booth 1452.
Just like in the last year Vera Navis Ship Design joins ABANCE Global Engineering…

Aas Mek delivered newbuilding no. 212, “Ronja Mistral”
News, Projects, ShipConstructor
Aas Mek. Verksted AS delivered its newbuilding no. 212, "Ronja Mistral".
The boat is of the AAS 3002 ST design developed by the yard and is the 37th newbuild Aas Mek has delivered to Sølvtrans AS over a period of over 25 years.

Holland Shipyards Group delivered the “H2 barge 1”
News, Projects, ShipConstructor
Recently Holland Shipyards Group has delivered the “H2 Barge 1” to Future Proof Shipping, the first hydrogen-powered inland vessel in the world!
It was a privilege to be part of the engineering team that successfully retrofit a…

Aas Mek delivered newbuilding no. 211, “Ronja Aurora”
News, Projects, ShipConstructor
Aas Mek. Verksted AS delivered its newbuilding no. 211, a wellboat type AAS 3002 ST to the owner Sølvtrans AS.
The 77 meter long "Ronja Aurora" has a well volume of 3000m³ and is a dedicated smolt boat which is equipped with an…

Vera Navis Ship Design – PME Líder 2022
Certificates, News
Vera Navis Ship Design was distinguished by IAPMEI, for the quality of its performance, as PME Líder 2022.
The PME Líder status is a seal of corporate reputation created by IAPMEI – Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas…

Holland Shipyards Group delivered the “TSHD Zeeburg”
News, Projects, ShipConstructor
Holland Shipyards Group delivered the TSHD Zeeburg to the owners Zand- & Grindhandel Van Ouwerkerk BV.
The former cargo vessel with 89,90m length has been converted into a Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger at the Holland Shipyards yard…

Aas Mek delivered newbuilding no. 210, “Ronja Queen”
News, Projects, ShipConstructor
Aas Mek. Verksted AS delivered its newbuilding no. 210, a wellboat type AAS 3002 ST to the owner Sølvtrans AS.
The new «Ronja Queen» has a well volume of 3000m³ distributed over two fish tanks.
The boat is specially adapted for…

Retrofit updated communication SATCOM and ECU units for Portuguese Navy
News, Projects, ShipConstructor
We recently had the privilege of executing and delivering another engineering project on structural platform detail production elements, to retrofit updated communication SATCOM and ECU units on Portuguese Navy (Marinha Portuguesa)…

Vera Navis at SSI World Shipbuilding Conference 2022
Events, News, ShipConstructor
From October 4 to 6, 2022 VERA NAVIS will be present at the SSI World Shipbuilding Conference 2022.
SSI World Shipbuilding Conference 2022 is a great opportunity to learn first-hand about the latest innovations facilitating transformation,…